Retirement Planning

We build and apply a concrete retirement plan that will help you improve your finances while considering your life goals, assets and liabilities, investment style, expectations in terms of financial independence, as well as any need you may have related to succession.

About the Service

We build and apply a concrete retirement plan that will help you improve your finances while considering your life goals, assets and liabilities, investment style, expectations in terms of financial independence, as well as any need you may have related to succession.

Understanding and managing the financial implications of your retirement is one of the most complex financial challenges you may face. Once you are an iA Private Wealth client, we will start analyzing the structure of your retirement savings (registered vs. non-registered), projecting your retirement income, and, finally, advising you on the tax ramifications of your situation.

  • Recommend strategies that best suit your income tax, investment, estate and cash flow planning situation.
  • Provide you with our retirement lifestyle analysis that will incorporate your sources of income, required and potential spending needs, various economic scenarios and tax considerations into a long-term cash flow analysis.
  • Determine elections for your retirement plans, including RRIF, LIF, lump sum payouts vs. annuities, and joint survivor vs. single-life distribution arrangements.

The core pillars of our retirement planning strategy involve:

Preserving capital

Never linking your investments to risks we haven't carefully profiled and determined as appropriate to your unique circumstances.


We can meet at your convenience, schedule virtual meetings online, by telephone or in person at the time, frequency and location that suit you best.

Reducing complexity

Helping you understand every aspect of your portfolio and financial situation

Tax Planning

Managing and advising on the tax costs of investment decisions.


Giving you total flexibility on your accounts by using very strict approved and authorized procedures.

Risk Management

Striking a balance among managing risk, seeking return and minimizing complexity. That balance shifts with your specific needs, risk tolerance and your understanding of financial instruments. Our number one priority is that you feel comfortable and in control of your portfolio.

Working on what matters

Identifying your success key factors and by helping you ask the right questions.

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